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The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15: What You Need to Know

At Aceso Chiropractic, we believe that holistic health goes beyond spinal adjustments and pain relief. It’s about nurturing your body with the right choices, including what you eat. One topic that often comes up in discussions about healthy living is the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15". These lists, created by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), highlight fruits and vegetables based on their pesticide levels. Understanding these can help you make more informed choices for your health and well-being.

The Dirty Dozen: Foods to Buy Organic

The Dirty Dozen refers to the 12 fruits and vegetables that are most likely to be contaminated with pesticides. The EWG updates this list annually based on tests conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. Even after washing, these foods often contain pesticide residues, which can have long-term effects on your health.

For 2024, the Dirty Dozen includes:

  1. Strawberries

  2. Spinach

  3. Kale, collard, and mustard greens

  4. Peaches

  5. Pears

  6. Nectarines

  7. Apples

  8. Grapes

  9. Bell and hot peppers

  10. Cherries

  11. Blueberries

  12. Green beans

These foods are best bought organic whenever possible. Pesticides can accumulate in your body over time, potentially leading to a variety of health issues. Organic options may be more expensive, but they can reduce your exposure to these harmful chemicals.

The Clean 15: Low Pesticide Produce

On the flip side, the Clean 15 are fruits and vegetables that generally have the lowest levels of pesticide contamination. This means they’re safer to buy conventionally grown, saving you some money while still making healthy choices.

The Clean 15 for 2024 includes:

  1. Avocados

  2. Sweetcorn

  3. Pineapples

  4. Onions

  5. Papayas

  6. Sweet peas (frozen)

  7. Asparagus

  8. Honeydew melons

  9. Kiwis

  10. Cabbages

  11. Mushrooms

  12. Mangoes

  13. Sweet potatoes

  14. Watermelons

  15. Carrots

These foods tend to have thicker skins or natural defences that help protect them from pests, reducing the need for pesticides. As a result, they’re a great option for those looking to eat healthily on a budget.

At Aceso Chiropractic, we advocate for a holistic approach to health, which includes mindful eating. By choosing organic options for the Dirty Dozen and opting for conventional produce from the Clean 15, you can make smarter choices that contribute to your overall well-being.

Remember, eating more fruits and vegetables is essential, regardless of whether they’re organic or not. The key is to make informed choices based on your budget and health priorities. For more personalised advice on how to integrate these tips into a healthy lifestyle, feel free to consult with us during your next visit.

Stay healthy, stay informed!

The content of this blog is for educational purposes and is not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it

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